Looking for Hope

Looking for Hope

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, Christene!

Today was my roomie's birthday. It was an interesting day, to say the least. As I was starting to fall asleep last night, I heard rain pounding on the roof and the wind howling. I peeked outside to see if it was freezing rain, but it was so hard to tell. Freezing rain would mean I'd have to get up early in order to drive my roomie to work cuz her car isn't the best for winter conditions.

Anywho, I got up and checked out in the back. All appeared to be okay, just a bit wet. I went and snuck out to the front porch and see how the roads were and they were perfectly fine, (again) just wet. I poked my head into Christene's room to let her know that I had heard rain last night, but no worries...everything looked okay.

As I was laying in my bed, I kept thinking of all of these things I wanted to do for Christene on her birthday, things like decorate her classroom and bring cookies in for her kids. I couldn't fall asleep because all of these thoughts kept running through my mind about how I would have to get up earlier than what I had reset my alarm for. So finally I gave in, rolled out of bed, got dressed, and rushed out the door before she even left for work. I made a stop at Albertson's for a few decorations and cookies, and rushed over to her work. I had a few of the kids that were already there help me put the cookies and napkins away while I hung the sign. Then, I hung around, talkiing to Rainy (one of the teachers) and hanging out with the kids.

Goodness, I miss those kids.

Christene eventually showed up and the kids were telling her about how they got to put her cookies away. She kept looking really confused and then one of them said "Miss Erin put a sign up in your class for your happy birthday!" So everyone trucked down to her classroom to take a look. I stuck around until after 8 (after the kids had eaten) and then returned home. I changed again, climbed back into bed, and fell asleep, dozing off and on until noon.

After eating lunch, I ran some errands and bought some more stuff for later tonight (things for dinner a couple of presents for Christene). I baked some cookies, cleaned the apartment, and decorated it (hung a banner on our front porch with some streamers, and hung some streamers above Christene's bedroom door). It was great fun. :) Eventually I cooked dinner. Christene came home with Rochelle (one of her friends from church). Dena showed up later and we all ate, talked, and then ran off to see Elektra.

It was an all right movie.

Afterwards, we went to Dairy Queen, had some ice cream, and hung out. We were joined by a bunch of other people for the movie, too. When we got into the theater, there was only one other person. By the time the movie started, there were two more people in the theater. It was weird, watching a movie with such a small crowd. I've grown so used to going on the weekends when the crowds are considerably larger.

Went to Dairy Queen....got really tired and my stomach started telling me that ice cream wasn't such a good thing for it. Came home, grabbed a movie, returned it, got the next Alias DVD, watched one episode, and now here I sit.

All righty, I'm tired (I think), so I'm going to head to bed.

G'nite world!

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