Looking for Hope

Looking for Hope

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Shake it, shake it....

All right, so I've finally been nagged by my friends long enough to actually try to update this thing.

:) I don't really mind. :) It's kinda nice to know that there are people around who want to hear from me every once in awhile.

I was starting to say that not a whole lot has been happening, but I made myself stop because I think that's one of my cop-outs that I tend to use frequently. Just something I say to help fill space on my journal.

Let's see...I've been to Pullman. It was a relatively disappointing trip. I had fun and enjoyed spending time with my friends who I haven't seen in awhile, to be sure. However, there were just a few little things...enough to make me wish that things hadn't really changed at all.

I saw Peter. It was hard, I'm not going to lie. I didn't talk to him. We kind of ignored each other, actually. I'm not even sure he was aware that I was there, but if he was, he didn't acknowledge it and I didn't acknoweledge him. Zac knew something was up with that, so of course he kept asking me over and over again. I finally just told him I didn't want to talk about it and he (thankfully) left it at that.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the whole thing that happened. On the one hand, my heart is aching so much and is really and profoundly hurt by the way things ended. On another hand, it's kind of a relief because now I don't have to worry about Am I annoying him? Should I just stop? Should I e-mail him this? Should I not? And on still another hand, it's all good because I think I was ready to let go.

It doesn't stop me from wanting to remove all trace of him from my computer and from the pictures in my photo albums...

*sigh* Friendships with members of the opposite sex were never meant to be smooth.

Scratch that, they were initially meant to be smooth, but then dumb ol' Eve had to go listen to that ruddy serpent.


I can tell that I haven't been getting fed spiritually cuz my emotions are everywhere right now. I'm ready for saomething to change...I'm just not sure what.

I'm house sitting again. It was kind of funny on Saturday night when I was spending the night at the house. I fell asleep on the couch. Somehow it's more comfortable to sleep on the couch than it is to sleep in the guest bed room on the owner's old bed. At any rate, I was sleeping on the couch, blankets piled high. The cat (who just gets called "Kitty") is a crier. Meaning she follows you around meowing at the top of her lungs. And if you sit down, she just comes, sits/lays on you, and meows even more. She had finally managed to settle down long enough to sleep. She would get up, wander around the house a bit, and then plop herself down on me (rather roughly). She would then proceed to knead me, her little claws poking through the blankets. I would finally become aware of what was going on, tell her in a rather grumpy voice to knock it off, and when she didn't, immediately start thrashing until she would get the hint and go flying onto the floor. From there, she would usually come over by my head, poke her face into mine and meow loudly.

Tempted was I, to just throw her in the bathroom and be done with her for the evening. However, it occurred to me that she'd probably meow even more loudly...and the bathroom echoes, so the sound would be amplified (of course).

So every hour or so, the process would be repeated, her meowing, laying on me, meowing, kneading, me grumpy-voiced, and then thrashing all over.

I'm surprised I didn't end up with whiplash or injuring myself in other ways.


All righty, I need to go. I need to start doing call backs and see how people are liking their customer service.


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