Looking for Hope

Looking for Hope

Sunday, May 01, 2005


I'm house sitting still. Honestly, it'd be nice to have this over and done with. I don't mind, but I've been house sitting for the last three months, essentially. I feel bad for Karen because I'm pretty sure all she wants is to be back home.

I know that's all I want.

Yesterday my mom and I went to see Sahara. It was actually quite funny and good. I was surprised, seeing as Christene didn't seem all that excited by it and Dena wasn't too impressed with it (at least as far as I could tell).

I've been craving chocolate all week, with good reason as to why. Stanley is visiting again, and he's been showing me no mercy.

Chocolate milk especially has been a weakness of mine.


I'm tired of cats. I want a dog. A little dog, all my own. A fuzzy little buddy who will follow me around and sleep at the foot of my bed.


I've decided that I really like to type. :)

I've now watched 3 Mariners games this week. Makes me all happy. We've won 2 of the 3 I've watched, too. Dad's going to the game on Tuesday so that he can get an Edgar Martinez collectible statue. He's excited about it. Mom's a bit upset that he didn't ask her to go with him or at least meet him there. He then asked her to go to one of the games against the Yankees, to which my mother replied that she'd have too much trouble trying to arrange it.

Dad's going to be sitting in one of the sections behind home plate and a little towards first base.

On the first level.

REALCLOSE to the action.

Dena and I leave on Friday for Spokane. I'm going to have to stop off at the bank before we leave town so I can deposit my paycheck.

Oh, I'm boycotting my cell phone because I used 200 more minutes than my plan allows and ended up with $100 extra dollars charged onto my bill.

I can think of better uses for that $100 than paying my cell phone bill. I'm thinking I'm going to pay three-quarters of it and then pay the rest the next time around. We'll see how that works.

And, my friend who actually reads this, I have gotten your phone calls, I just haven't been able to call back! :)

I've been watching my dad's Rocky and Bullwinkle Season 2 discs. It's been interesting cuz I haven't watched the show in so long. I didn't realize, though, just how many bad puns were in the show.

What's really bad is I've been walking around using bad puns, too. At least in my head. I've been trying to be good about not saying them outloud.

Although people look at me strangely when I start laughing for no apparent reason.

All right, I must get going & take a shower. I'm having a lazy Sunday. :)

Maybe I'll clean the litter box first.

*scampers off*